Anxiety Ireland

Existential anxiety emerges from the core of human consciousness

Existential anxiety emerges from the core of human consciousness

Existential Anxiety

Existential anxiety emerges from the core of human consciousness, reflecting our deep-seated concerns about the ultimate fate of our existence, the possibility of there being no life after death, and the fear that life itself may lack inherent meaning. This form of anxiety is not just about the fear of dying, but the dread that comes from contemplating what death signifies: the finality of existence, the cessation of consciousness, and the potential absence of an afterlife. It confronts us with the most profound unknown, leading to feelings of unease and existential dread.

Existential Anxiety
Existential Anxiety

The anxiety related to the belief in the non-existence of an afterlife can lead to a sense of profound emptiness and isolation, challenging individuals to find purpose and meaning in a finite life. This confrontation with the void can evoke a sense of insignificance in the face of an indifferent universe, compelling us to grapple with the question of how to imbue our lives with meaning when faced with the vastness of eternity. The anxiety surrounding the existential themes of freedom, meaninglessness, and responsibility further can confront us with the profound intricacies of human existence. This can be anxiety significant because it challenges us to confront the paradox of freedom: the realization that with the liberty to make choices comes the heavy burden of responsibility for those choices. It forces us to grapple with the daunting notion that, in the vastness of the universe, our lives may inherently lack predefined meaning, pushing us towards an existential vacuum where feelings of meaninglessness can prevail

In the face of such existential concerns, individuals may experience a profound crisis of meaning, questioning the value of their actions, achievements, and existence. This can lead to feelings of disillusionment, apathy, or nihilism, where nothing seems to matter in the grand scheme of things.

However, confronting existential anxiety can also lead to a deeper appreciation for life and a more authentic existence. By acknowledging the finite nature of life, individuals may be inspired to live more fully, cherishing each moment and seeking to make a meaningful impact in the world. This acknowledgment can lead to a reevaluation of priorities, encouraging individuals to focus on what truly matters to them: relationships, passions, and the pursuit of knowledge and experiences that enrich life.

General Anxiety

Existential Anxiety

When a problem with anxiety develops it takes our perfectly natural evolutionary defence system and hijacks it so that we become generally anxious, socially anxious, phobic, obsessive compulsive, traumatised after an event (PTSD) Health Anxious, Relationship Anxious or suffer from sudden panic attacks.

Our therapists who work with existential anxiety are Michael Ledden, Tara Morrissey, Aoife Doyle, Sean Thunder, Stephen Keogh, Elaine Garrigan and Sinead O’Hare.

Getting Help

Thousands of people in Ireland suffer in silence with many kinds of difficulties yet existential anxiety is probably one of the most issues we all face at some stage in our lives. Existential anxiety doesn’t become a huge debilitating problem overnight but over time it digs itself into us so that we’re paralysed. Often when we really notice it, it has really set in and we can feel like we’ve gone crazy.

Early intervention or even crisis intervention counselling/psychotherapy is way of giving sufferers back control over their thoughts and ultimately how they feel.

Anxiety Ireland has fully trained counsellors nationwide on standby to assist you in taking back control of these problems.

Our network of counsellors are working online and over the phone so they can be free to reach you where you are located.


  • Profound feelings of dread or despair
  • Feelings of isolation or detachment
  • Mood swings or emotional instability
  • Obsessive rumination
  • Nihilistic thoughts
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Loss of joy and connection
  • Physical tension or discomfort

“It felt like I was seeing the world in black and white… like I was wearing dark glasses that constantly cast a shadow on everything I could see. All the colour and happiness in my life had been sucked away by the GAD and depression which had consumed my life. I felt like I could never break free and that I would be stuck in this miserable existence for the rest of my life.”

“I thought I was going mad. No one else around me seemed to understand what I was going though. I felt so alone. I couldn’t seem to stop worrying about everything. I knew in my head it didn’t make sense, but nothing I could do would stop the thoughts that kept coming into my head and driving me crazy.”

“For me anxiety feels like a fear that I’m gonna mess up. Fear that I won’t be able to equal what others do with ease (looks like they do it with ease anyway!). An irritable kind of feeling… fearing that I’m not going to be able to handle things. This made me feel things must be a certain way or going right. If not, I get out of my comfort zone and am therefore in a ‘un-safe zone’.”

Schedule Appointment

Many people live and suffer with anxiety every day. Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are proven ways to combat anxiety and related issues.